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Negative Number on my Budget Spreadsheet

august 23, 2024

hopefully spending well...

Went a lot of places today. I would love to be able to use the library more reliably, but, well, I just can't get out there frequently enough.

I'm trying my best to learn gouache painting. Why does painting require so many supplies? Also, Poscas are locked up at Michael's. Fancy shmancy. I painted a little orange wedge that was meant to be a lemon but I just did not get the hues right.

I've bought a couple of books at the library instead of checking any out-- maybe I'll post my thoughts on them once they're read.

My due dates for projects are inching closer...

I've got a lot of candy now. Oops. But I have... Jagarico!! I love those. And these swedish sour blackberry gummy fish are delicious.

God writing this makes me feel like I'm writing for my fanfic lol

HTML and CSS...

august 20, 2024

...but not javascript.

I'm really only writing this one so I don't start off with an empty blog. I set a due date for myself for "blog on website", so by god I'm gonna do that!

I'll have something more interesting later, probably. Web design is not my passion or my forte, it just makes me feel good to have my own sort of thing! Y'know?

Well, until next time! Whenever I actually have something to say.